Jump5ive Facts
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Brandon Facts

 Album- NSYNC Celebrity
 Animal- dog
 Anime- Dragonball Z
 Board game- chess
 Book- Harry Potter
 Bible verse- John 3:16  Candy- Hot Tamales, Snickers, and Swedish Fish
 Car- any convertible or SUV
 Cerial- Capn Crunch
 Color- red
 Day- Saturday
 Drink- dr. pepper
 Fast food- Taco Bell
 Flower- honeysuckle
 Food- steak
 Holiday- Christams
 Icecream flavor- mint chocolate chip
 Jump5 Song- Spinnin' Around
 Movie- Rush Hour 2
 Pizza topping- pepperoni or sausage
 Poptart- he doesn't like them
 Song- "Pop" by NSYNC
 Sports- baseball, basketball, football, and golf
 Subjects- math and language
 Toothpaste- Crest
 TV Shows- Dragonball Z and Friends
 Vacation Spot- Disneyworld
 Video games- Chrono Triggerand, Paper Mario, Prince of Persia, Sonic Adventure, and Zelda
 Web Site- nintendo.com
 X-box game- Halo

 His fun name is Brandon Allen Hargest.
 Brandon is currently 17.
 His birthday is March 17, 1987. (St. Patricks Day)
 Brandon is 5' 8" and wears a 8 1/2 shoe size.
 Brandon has blonde hair and blue eyes.
 Brandon will be a Senior next year.
 Brandon was born in Durham, North Carolina.
 He currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

 Brandon's parents are Greb and Robin Hargest.
 He has one sister, Brittany, who is also in the group, Jump5.
 Brandon likes having his sister in the group.
 Brandon and his sister Brittany are only one year apart.
 He has a dog Jumper (He is a West Highland Terrier and Poodle mix. Brandon and Brittany got him on the day their debut album (Jump5) was released. That's how he got his name, Jumper!) He also had another dog, Kibbles, (mixed Terrier) but he died.
 Brandon says that he loves just hanging out with his family and friends, going to movies, playing laser tag - normal stuff.
 Brandon loves to play video games.
 His most prized possession in his room is his Xbox.
 Brandon loves to watch and play football, he has played basketball too.
 Brandon loves to read - especially Harry Potter books.

 He has his drivers liscence.
 Brandon is currently driving the family car - his dad's Mitsubishi Diamante.
 Brandon's dream car is an Escalade or just any car of his own.
 He is saving to buy his dad's care or a used truck.
 Brandon got his drivers liscense photo taken when he was a bit sick.
 When Brandon went to get his liscence, he ran into some fans who asked for autographs. He said it was pretty embarrasing.

 He co-wrote the song "All Because Of You" on Jump5's album Accelerate.
 Brandon is more sensative and shy then the rest of Jump5.
 His favorite song to perfom is "We Are Family" because "It gets the whole crowd going and I love it."
 His voice started to change when Jump5 signed their record deal.
 Brandon used to be terrified of interviews.

 When Brandon goes to college he wants to major in Electronic Engingering.
 Brandon was inspired to take dance by his sister Brittany. He always had to wait in the waiting room and so he thought 'Why not take dance!'.
 He's been singing since he was 8, dancing since he was 5, and tumbling since he was 6.
 Brandon has training in vocal lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons, gymnastics and tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop dancing .
 Brandon says he likes to play instruments.
 Brandon did a commercial with Barth Brooks when he was younger.
 Brandon has been in many videos including: "The Donut Man After School", "Bible Break", and "The Sing-Along Bible Song Show".
 Brandon says his worst habit is not paying attention to things around me all the time. "The others tease me because I will ask a question after it has already been answered."
 Brandon and Brittany are Methodist.
 Brandon's hidden talent is he can wiggle his ears and make his hair look like a wig.
 Brandon says, "I have done many things in acting before Jump5, like videos and commercials, but yes, I would like to join the acting scene."
 Brandon's says the famous people that inspire him the most are Ben Folds or Elton John. "Their music is awesome and it makes me want to write like that."
 Brandon was in a Christmas musical at Opryland when he was 8. Someone in the audience owned an agency that dealt with studio work for kids. They called and asked him to sing on several sessions for many different artists. That's how he says got started in the business.
 In a girl, Brandon looks for someone who is fun to talk to, nice, and that has a great personality.
 If stranded on a desert island, Brandon would like to have his family with him.
 Brandon admits that sometimes he does sing in the shower.
 Brandon took karate when he was younger.
 Brandon's favorite activities include- video games, drawing, reading, playing instruments.
 Brandon says the best thing he ever did was try out for Jump5.
 Brandon says the worst thing he ever did was talk back to his parents.
 Some of Brandon's goals for the future are to become a songwriter and a game designer.
 Brandon doesn't actually own any CDs, he just listens to the radio.
 Brandon's celebrity crushes are Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
 A word of advice from Brandon is to always do what you know is right and never let anyone try to pressure you into something you're not comfortable with.
 One of Brandon's biggest fears is spiders.
 Brandon's favorite Quaterback that dosen't play for TN is Tommy Maddox for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

 "Brandon is more of a braniac. He is, like, into books. He reads a lot." -Brittany Hargest
 "It's fun to have my brother in the group because, it's, we get to do everything together and see each other alot - so, it's like having a piece of home come with me everywhere. It's fun!" -Brittany Hargest
 "Brandon is always wondering about stuff. He likes to learn. He likes video games and he is quite funny." -Chris Fedun
 "Sometimes I feel really dumb, 'cause he's like younger than me, and he knows as much as Einstein knows." -Chris Fedun
 "Brandon is the shy one in the group. He more kinda keeps stuff to himself, but he's still a lot of fun to hang around with." -Lesley Moore
 "He's like a straight-A student." -Libby Hodges



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Brittany Facts

 Album- Fleming and John
 Animal- dolphin
 Bible verse- Matthew 5:43
 Book- The Giver
 Cerial- Frosted Flakes
 Candy- Rollos
 Color- anything pastel, link pink, lavender, red, orange, and yellow
 Drink- diet coke, sweet tea, water
 Food- steak and potatoes
 Football Team- Titans
 Icecream flavor- chocolate chip cookie dough
 Jump5 song- "Wish That I Could Read Your Mind"
 Magazine- US Weekly
 Movie- Legally Blonde
 Praise and Worship Song- "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever"
 Poptart- S'Mores
 Subject- language
 TV Shows- Lizzie McGuire and Boy Meets World
 Vacation spot- a tropical island
 Video Game- Mario Party 3
 ZOEgirl Song- "Dismissed"

 Her fun name is Brittany Lynn Hargest.
 Her birthday is August 2, 1988.
 She is currently 15.
 She will be a junior this year.
 Brittany is 5'3".
 Brittany is has blonde hair and blue eyes.
 Brittany was born in Duke, North Carolina.

 Brittany's parents are Greb and Robin Hargest.
 Brittany says that her Mom and Dad have always inspired her to do the best that I can. "To watch them work so hard and sacrifice so much for me is so incredible that I am trying to repay the favor!"
 She has one brother, Brandon, who is also in the group, Jump5.
 Brittany says it's fun to have her brother in the group because they get to be with each other and do everything together. She says it's like having a piece of home come with her.
 Brittany and Brandon are only one year apart.
 She has a dog Jumper (He is a West Highland Terrier and Poodle mix. Brandon and Brittany got him on the day their debut album (Jump5) was released. That's how he got his name, Jumper!) She also had another dog, Kibbles, (mixed Terrier) but he died.
 She likes hanging out with friends.
 She loves shoe shopping.
 Brittany hates cleaning the pool after her dad mows the lawn.
 Her favorite activities include- acting, playing piano, gymnastics, swimming, reading, writing, and having fun!

 Brittany does not have her drivers liscense yet.
 Brittany says she is too scared to drive and is not even taking driver's ed yet. She won't even drive a go-cart.
 Brittany's dream car is an Escalade or Mercedes.

 She sung "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" for the Jump5 audition.
 She like to perform "God Bless The USA".
 Brittany prefers too sing live.
 She likes to wear a ring from her dad and a lollipop ring to remind her of home.
 Her favorite fan gift was a scrapbook with letters, pictures, and drawings.
 Brittany says the funnest place she went on tour was Disney World.
 Brittany co-wrote the song "Feels Like Falling" on Dreaming In Color releasing September 21, 2004.
 Brittany injured her ankle during the "Spinnin' Around" music video shoot.
 When Jump5 first head one of their song on the radio, Libby got so excited that she grabbed Brittany's arm and gave Brittany nail marks for a week.
 Brittany likes being the youngest in Jump5.
 Brittany has the highest voice in Jump5.
 Brittan's favorite groups that Jump5 have performed with are Play and LMNT.
 Brittany's favorite song to perform is We Are Family. "It is so much fun to dance to and it's also fun to watch the audience reaction. The crowd just starts jumping around and singing along!"

 Besides singing and dancing, Brittany likes to do gymnastics, as well as pratice playing the piano.
 She has been dancing since she was 3 and singing since she was 5.
 Brittany learned an ariel when she was around 7.
 Her musical influences are Jessica Simpson and Destiny's Child.
 Brittany and her brother Brandon have been in comercials together.
 She used to have hair like Topanga (Boy Meets World) but she cut it for a photo shoot!
 When Brittany first met Aaron Carter she had chocolate on her chin.
 If she had to live in a foreign county she said she would pick either China or France.
 Brittany's celebrity crushes are Adam Brody, Orlando Bloom, Freddie Prinze Jr, and Forbrizio Moretti.
 Brittany said the one food she could eat all day long is junk food.
 Brittany's hidden talent is she can hang a spoon off her nose.
 Brittany's bad habbits are burping, being loud, and looking in the mirror too much.
 Brittany's nickname is the "Injury Girl".
 Brittany is a picky eater.
 Her arms are double jointed.
 In a guy Brittany looks for a great personality and someone who can make her laugh.
 Brittany's has had braces and got them of Feb. '04.
 Brittany's hair is naturaly straight.
 Brittany like to listen to rock - "The White Stripes", "Radiohead", and "The Strokes" - things that the other Jump5 members don't really like.
 Brittany and Brandon are Methodist.
 If Brittany could record with anyone, it would be Aretha Franklin, because she has an incredibly powerful voice, and Brittany would love to learn from her.
 Brittany was on many videos when she was younger, including: The Adventures of Prayer Bear "Best Friends", "Bible Break", "The Sing-Along Bible Song Show", and "Just Have Fun".
 Brittany says the best thing she ever did was start singing and dancing.
 Brittany says the worst thing she ever did was gossip about people even when she knows she's doing it.
 Brittany's goal for the future is to accomplish everything she want to do before she's too old to do it - becoming an interior decorator, a dolphin trainer, do some acting, etc.

 "Most of the time during she's blah blah blah blah blah - very, very hyper!" -Brandon Hargest
 "Britt is very high energy." -Chris Fedun
 "Brittany's bouncing of the ceiling, like, we'll go by a road sign and she'll start singing it." -Chris Fedun
 "One time we were at a Gate E12 or something and her and Chris made up a whole song about Gate E12." -Lesley Moore
 "She sings and dances in the car." -Lesley Moore
 "We'll be coming back from a show late at night - we'll all be dead tired in the van - two a clock in the morning." -Libby Hodges
 "She's great, she's fun." -Libby Hodges



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Chris Facts

 Activity- hanging out with friends
 Album- Nsync Celebrity
 Animal- dog
 Bible Verse- I Corinthians 13
 Candy- Hot Tamales
 Car- small blue truck
 Cerial- Fruity Pebbles
 Class- Dance
 Color- blue
 Drink- Sprite
 Day- Friday
 Food- fried rice, mac n' cheese, anything Mexican
 Fruit- pineapple
 Group- 3 Doors Down, BeeGees, Maroon5
 Holiday- Christmas
 Icecream- vanilla
 Jump5 song- "Meaning of Life"
 Movie- Dumb and Dumber
 Olympic event- speed skating
 Poptart- Strawberry
 Sports- basketball and football
 Store- Urban Outfitters
 TV show- Full House and 7th Heaven
 Vacation spot- Panama City, FL
 Video game- Any snowboarding one

 His full name is Christopher Michael Fedun.
 Chris's birthday is January 14th, 1986.
 Chris is currently 18.
 Chris graduated in 2004.
 Chris is 5' 9" and wears a size 10 1/2 in shoes.
 His nickname is Crisco.
 Chris lives in Nashville, TN.

 Chris's parents are Phil and Linda Fedun.
 Chris has an older brother, Matt.
 Chris love dogs! He has a Bishon Frise and her name is Snuggles.
 Chris like to eat at Sonic when he has to eat on the run.
 Chris's Christmas traditions are, "When we travel to my aunts we have to have christmas music on."
 Chris's favorite thing he recieved for Christmas 2003 was a digital camera.
 His aunt and uncle are his next door neighbors and his grandparents live across the street.

 Chris has his drivers lisence.
 Chris has a black Dodge Stealth.
 Chris's dream car is a black Escalade with chrome wheels.
 One time Chris got pulled over for going 4 miles over the speed limit. When he got pulled over, the cop said "Do I know you?". Turns out he had their album and pulled Lesley over before, so he didn't get the ticket.

 Chis is the oldest member of Jump5.
 Chris has the best handwriting in the group.
 When he's on the road, he brings pictures of his friends and family with him.
 Chris says the funnest place he's been on tour was New York.
 Chris says that the thing he liks to do most when being backstage and you have some free time is play cards.
 Chris's favorite of touring is seeing the fans and seeing different parts of the United States.
 Chris's favorite song to perform is "Pressure".
 Chris's favorite song off Accelerate is Wonderful.  Chris injured his ankle during the "Do Ya" music video shoot.

 When he goes to college he wants to major in music or acting.
 Chris loves writing.
 He starting dancing and singing when he was 9.
 Chris started playing sports when he was 5.
 He is a good runner.
 His bad habit is pinching peoples ears.
 Chris has been in meany commercials.
 He likes performing in plays.
 Chris has had training in vocal lessons, piano, basketball, baseball, gymnastics, guitar and jazz, tap, ballet and hip hop dancing.
 Chris's mom and dad are his role models.
 Chris like to collect WWJD bracelets and cross chains.
 Chris says his favorite season is summer because it's warm outside and you get to sleep late.
 Chris is a daredevil and isn’t afraid to try anything in gymnastics
 Chris was prom king in 8th grade
 Chris has never had braces.
 Chris can't stand bad grammer and when people smack they're food while eating.
 Chris's favorite brithday was his 16th.
 Chris is Catholic.
 Chris says his goal for the year 2003 is to keep growing as an artist and as a writer/singer/dancer and he is also wanting to get involved in acting.
 Chris's inspiration are his parents, for all their hard work, and Justin Timberlake. "I love all the work he does - he is amazing at everything. He inspires me through his writing, dancing and singing."
 Acting is a great passion of Chris's.
 Chris's celebrity crushes are Beyonce Knowles or Jessica Simspon.
 Chris says the best thing he ever did was donate things new and old to others in need.
 Chris says the worst thing he ever did was in 3rd grade he called someone a name that really hurt them.

 "He will try anything in gymnastics." -Brandon Hargest
 "He isn't afraid of anything." -Brittany Hargest
 "Chris is a dare-devil." -Lesley Moore
 "We'll just be standing there doing vocal excercises or something - and he'll just randomly do like a back tuck. And we're like, 'CHRIS!!'. It's not like he's trying to show off or anything, he just has this urge to flip like any time of the day!" -Libby Hodges



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 Lesley Facts

 Album- Aaron Carter, Alicia Keys, Play, Steven Curtis Chapman, and ZOEgirl.
 Animals- puppies and kittens
 Bible Verse- Timothy 4:12
 Cerial- fruit loops
 Color- aqua, lavender, orange, and pink.
 Cds- Destiny's Child, Now 7, N'Sync, and Totally Hits 2001
 Day of the Week- Friday and Saturday
 Drink- mellow yellow, mountain dew, root beer, and sprite
 Fastfood- McDonalds
 Flowers- daisies and tulips
 Food- pizza
 Holiday- Christmas
 Icecream- chocolate chip cookie dough
 Jump5 Song- "Wish That I Could Read Your Mind"
 Movies- Finding Nemo, Meet the Parents, both Rush Hour movies, and Zoolander.
 Perfume- Abercrombie or Clinique Happy
 Poptart- cherry
 Song- Follow me by Uncle Cracker
 Sport- basketball and cheerleading
 Subject- break
 Toothpaste- aquafresh
 TV Shows- Full House and So LittleTime
 Type of Dancing- hip hop
 Vacation spot- the beach
 Video Game- Mario Party
 Website- radiodisney.com

 Her full name is Lesley Catherine Moore.
 Lesley's nicknames are Les and Big Les.
 Her birthday is October 15, 1986.
 She is currently 17 years old.
 Lelsey is 5' 4" and wears a size 8 in shoes.
 Lesley has blonde hair and brown eyes. Over the past few years she has also dyed her hair red and brown.
 Lesley has had braces.
 Lesley was born in Nashville and she still lives there know.

 Lesley's mom's name is Landa Moore.
 Lesley's dad died of cancer when she was 3 years old.
 Her dad was awarded the Purple Heart in the Vietnam War
 Lesley has a dog, Lexi. (Yorkshire Terrier) She got him in the spring of 2004.
 Lesley likes to play basketball, dance, and sing.
 Her favorite sports to watch are football and basketball.
 She likes to talk on the phone to her friends.
 She loves shopping and likes to shop at- Wet Seal, Gadzooks, Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, H & M, Strawberry, Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic, and any other place that has clothes.
 Lesley doesn't have a favorite food, she likes almost everything. But, she loves Easy Mac!
 Lesley's favorite things she recieved for Christmas 2003 was a 40gb iPod and a digital camera.
 Lesley says that her mom really inspires her. "She has raised me alone since my dad passed away when I was three. I really look up to her."
 Lesley's favorite brithday was her 17th.

 She has her driving lisence.
 Lesley has a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
 Lesley's dream cars are a BMW, Mercedes, or SUV.
 One time, Lesley was driving 21 miles over the speed limit. She got a ticket, her drivers liscense was taken away for a month, and she had to go to driving school. "It was horrible!", Lesley says.

 Lesley takes a gold necklace her dad gave her before he died and stuff chick named puff everywhere she goes.
 She's allergic to many things, including poppyseeds. She accidentually ate some the night before the "Spinnin' Around" music video shoot and she had a reaction the next day.
 Lesley says the funnest place she's been on tour was Texas, because they got a day off to shop! She also likes to perform in California
 Lesley says that the thing he liks to do most when being backstage and you have some free time is goof off.
 Lesley prefers performing on stage to recording an album.
 Lesley says she loves to interact with the fans. "That is one of my favorite things about doing shows. Without them, we would be nothing."
 One time when Jump5 was performing, Lesley fell off the stage! But, she just got right back up and kept dancing.
 Lesley's favorite song to perform is "We Are Family".

 Lesley doesn't like to read very much.
 Lesley started dancing since she was 4 and singing when she was 9.
 Lesley has a knee injury and an extra bone in her foot.
 Lesley has appeared in commercials and music videos.
 Lesley was in the video "Bible Break" when she was younger.
 Her bad habit is slouching over.
 Her hiddem talent is she can make herself burp.
 Lesley loves country music.
 Lesley gets annoyed when people where non-matching clothes, like a brown belt and black shoes. "Brandon does it all the time!", she says.
 Lesley likes to collect stuffed animals.
 Lesley said this about her dad, "I know he is watching over me at all times".
 Lesley has a boyfriend named Daniel.
 Her vanity plate has her boyfriends name on it.
 Lesley's boyfriend gave her a promise ring. She said "I'm am still young and taking it day by day...but as for now...I HOPE!!! haha".
 Lesley says she is open to every kind of music and never had a specific person or group that she looked up to. But as performers, she think NSYNC is a very powerful group.
 Lesley also says that she would like to perform with NSYNC.
 Lesley would love to get into acting sometime she thinks that would definitely be a step forward.
 Lesley's celebrity crush is Ashton Kutcher.
 Lesley says the best thing she ever did was help her friends when they aren't feeling thier best.
 Lesley says the worst thing she ever did was talked about other people behind thier back.
 Lesley's goal for the future is to always be able to make people smile and to live life to it's fullest. "Not to rush through it, but to enjoy each and every day. To be real, be myself and make each day count."

 "Lesley like to shop for anything, she's a shopaholic." -Brandon Hargest
 "Lesley is more of a trendy person." -Brittany Hargest
 "Lesley is a good audience, she'll laugh at anything!" -Libby Hodges







 Group Facts

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 They are 4 members in Jump5.
 2 boys 2 girls.
 They originally had 5 members.
 They have had 2 former members Libby and Natasha.
 Brandon and Brittany are brother and sister.
 The group was formed in Nashville.
 They are signed with Sparrow Records.
 They had all known each other since we were real little. Brittany and Brandon danced with Lesley when we were 4. Brittany and Brandon also sang in sessions with Libby awhile back and we all competed against Chris in dance competitions. Libby's mom helped put all of them together.
 Their debut album, "Jump5" was released on August 12, 2001.
 Their sophomore album "All The Time In The World" was released on August 13, 2002.
 Their Christmas album "All The Joy In The World" was released in October 2002.
 Their album "Accelerate" was released on October 7, 2003.
 Their remix abum album "Mix It Up" was released on April 6, 2004.
 Their album "Dreaming in color" will be released on September 21, 2004.
 They currently have 3 dvds out.
 Their 1st single was "Spinnin' Around".
 They re-recorded many songs including "Beauty and The Beast", "God Bless The USA", "We Are Family," "Walking On Sunshine", "Shining Star", "Celebration", and "Freeze Frame".
 All the girls in Jump5 have had braces.
 They say the word "jump" in many of their songs.
 They all can dance and do gymnastics very well.
 They started singing and dancing at a young age.
 Before every concert, Jump5 gets in a circle, points their right feet in the middle and they pray.  Shower, hair, makeup takes about an hour and a half to get ready for a show.
 The group wears regular tennis shoes when dancing on stage like Sketchers, Nikes, Candies, etc..
 Brittany is 15, Brandon is 17, Lelsey is 17, and Chris is 18.
 All the members can drive, except for Brittany.
 All the Jump5 members have dogs.
 All The Jump5 members are Christians.
 None of the Jump5 members are dating each other or have been dating each other, I know this for a fact!