Fun Stuff
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You're Obsessed With Jump5 When.........

 You drive more than four hours to see them in concert.
 The things that they like become the things you like.
 Nothing seems exciting or interesting without them.
 You dream about them all the time.
 You start freaking out in the middle of the night because you can't remeber how the second verse in Spinnin' Around goes.
 You know absolutely everything you could possibly know about them.
 People get really annoyed when you talk about them.
 Your friends are getting tired of you sending them pictures and emails about Jump5.
 Your family and friends know everything about them because you talk about them so much.
 Your Jump5 cd case is broken, the paper thingy inside the cd case is all worn out and almost ripped in half from looking at it so much.
 You can't write the word jump without a five.
 Whenever you hear the names of the Jump5 members names you think of Jump5.
 Almost anything anyone says you can somehow relate it to Jump5.
 You know the words to all their songs and the order the songs are in.
 If anyone ever makes fun of Jump5 or says something mean about them...they are gonna get it.
 When you're bored in school you'll start drawing Jump5 on your notebooks.
 When you keep seeing pictures of Jump5 in your head because you look at pictures of them so much.
 You always have a Jump5 song stuck in your head.
 You visit and Jump5 fansites everyday.
 Your screen saver is full of all the pictures of Jump5 you could find.
 Your screen name has something to do with Jump5.
 Your parents know the words to the songs.
 When your at a Jump5 concert you will do anything you possible can to get them to notice you.
 When you play the Jump5 cd everyone in your house gets annoyed(including pets) because you play it so much.
 5's your favorite number.
 You get you hair cut like one of the Jump5 members.
 You make a website all about Jump5.
 You have any video, cd, or dvd Jump5 has ever come out with.
 You know all the words to the new Jump5 songs before the cd even comes out.
 You cover all your school notebooks, folders, and book covers with pictures of Jump5.
 You totally freak out when your looking at some concert pictures of Jump5 and you notice that Brittany has the same pair of capris that you do.
 You totally absolutely freak out when you watch Jump's new dvd and find out that Brandon has the same exact lava lamp that you do.
 You watch the Jump5 dvd's everyday
 All you talk about on im is Jump5
 When your mom just out of no where starts singing Spinnin' Around
 Whenever you're watching a Jump5 dvd your mom will come in and start dancing to it
 When you know all the dances to their music vdeos
 When you decorated your locker totally with Jump5 pictures!
 You name your stuffed animals after the Jump5 members!
Example: Ok, I'm such a dork but when I was in 5th grade I was totally obsessed with furbys(I have 6 of them!). Well, the other day I was thinking of how much they resemble the Jump5 members. Maylah is Brittany becuase she has a high voice and I've never seen a furby with high voice like this!. Nolah is Libby... I dont know why. Todeye is Lesley because it's an Easter furby and it has a hat on that kinda looks like the one Lesley's wearing in this one picture. Maytah is Chris becuase it looks like it has spiked hair! lol And Ayay is Brandon because it's just the cutest most adorable furby ever, so it's Brandon!
 Your parents start having Jump5 have a crush on chris because he is soooooooooooooooo cute.


Jump5 wall papers

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jump5 sound clips

01: In My Heart
02: Just A Dream
03: Dance With Me
04: Dreaming In Color
05: Got The Music
06: Beautiful World
07: Mind Your Head
08: Feels Like Falling
09: Dance With Me (remix)
10: In My Heart (remix)

jump5 backgrounds
if you have any jump5 backgrounds send them to

jump5 rocks